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Cottleville- GLO with Amy (VINTAGE AESTHETICS - respecting & preserving individual characteristics for the most natural results.) Amy Mattox 636-856-4280; Gift cards available @ Glowithamy.com
Injectables by Rebecca Rebecca Hossenlopp & Angele Mandle
GLO with Samantha @ Maplewood Samantha Thompson
Glo Studio with Jamie Contact to book 314-640-6364 or use the following link https://mirellamedspa.glossgenius.com
Afterglo by Sophia Located inside The New You
Model for (Bo)Tox Clinic- Cottleville This clinic is for training purposes. Nurses learning injection techniques will be injecting while there is supervision by a seasoned injector.
Model Filler Clinic- Cottleville This clinic is for training purposes. Nurses learning injection techniques will be injecting while there is supervision by a seasoned injector.
GLO with Jill Located @ Age is Just A Number Aesthetics
The GLO Institute This location is used for trainings
Good Faith Exam Book a face to face exam prior to your aesthetic appointment
GFE Arkansas with Dr. Christopher Main, DO Good Faith Exam booking with Supervising Physician
The Aesthetic Injector Jamie Ping, RN
PuraLuxe Located inside Image Studios, Suite 120
2953 State Hwy K, Located inside Image Studios, Suite 120, O'Fallon